Module libxml2 :: Class xmlNode
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Class xmlNode

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xmlCore --+
Known Subclasses:
xmlAttr, xmlAttribute, xmlDoc, xmlDtd, xmlElement, xmlEntity, xmlNs

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, _obj=None) source code
__repr__(self) source code
Get the namespace of a node
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Get the namespace of a node
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debugDumpNode(self, output, depth)
Dumps debug information for the element node, it is recursive
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debugDumpNodeList(self, output, depth)
Dumps debug information for the list of element node, it is recursive
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debugDumpOneNode(self, output, depth)
Dumps debug information for the element node, it is not recursive
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Count the children of @node.
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lsOneNode(self, output)
Dump to @output the type and name of @node.
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Print node to the output FILE
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addChild(self, cur)
Add a new node to @parent, at the end of the child (or property) list merging adjacent TEXT nodes (in which case @cur is freed) If the new node is ATTRIBUTE, it is added into properties instead of children.
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addChildList(self, cur)
Add a list of node at the end of the child list of the parent merging adjacent TEXT nodes (@cur may be freed)
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addContent(self, content)
Append the extra substring to the node content.
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addContentLen(self, content, len)
Append the extra substring to the node content.
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addNextSibling(self, elem)
Add a new node @elem as the next sibling of @cur If the new node was already inserted in a document it is first unlinked from its existing context.
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addPrevSibling(self, elem)
Add a new node @elem as the previous sibling of @cur merging adjacent TEXT nodes (@elem may be freed) If the new node was already inserted in a document it is first unlinked from its existing context.
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addSibling(self, elem)
Add a new element @elem to the list of siblings of @cur merging adjacent TEXT nodes (@elem may be freed) If the new element was already inserted in a document it is first unlinked from its existing context.
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copyNode(self, extended)
Do a copy of the node.
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Do a recursive copy of the node list.
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copyProp(self, cur)
Do a copy of the attribute.
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copyPropList(self, cur)
Do a copy of an attribute list.
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docCopyNode(self, doc, extended)
Do a copy of the node to a given document.
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docCopyNodeList(self, doc)
Do a recursive copy of the node list.
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docSetRootElement(self, doc)
Set the root element of the document (doc->children is a list containing possibly comments, PIs, etc ...).
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Free a node, this is a recursive behaviour, all the children are freed too.
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Free a node and all its siblings, this is a recursive behaviour, all the children are freed too.
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getBase(self, doc)
Searches for the BASE URL.
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Read the value of a node, this can be either the text carried directly by this node if it's a TEXT node or the aggregate string of the values carried by this node child's (TEXT and ENTITY_REF).
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Searches the language of a node, i.e.
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Searches the space preserving behaviour of a node, i.e.
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hasNsProp(self, name, nameSpace)
Search for an attribute associated to a node This attribute has to be anchored in the namespace specified.
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hasProp(self, name)
Search an attribute associated to a node This function also looks in DTD attribute declaration for #FIXED or default declaration values unless DTD use has been turned off.
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Checks whether this node is an empty or whitespace only (and possibly ignorable) text-node.
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Is this node a Text node ?
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Search the last child of a node.
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Get line number of @node.
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listGetRawString(self, doc, inLine)
Builds the string equivalent to the text contained in the Node list made of TEXTs and ENTITY_REFs, contrary to xmlNodeListGetString() this function doesn't do any character encoding handling.
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listGetString(self, doc, inLine)
Build the string equivalent to the text contained in the Node list made of TEXTs and ENTITY_REFs
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newChild(self, ns, name, content)
Creation of a new child element, added at the end of @parent children list.
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newNs(self, href, prefix)
Creation of a new Namespace.
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newNsProp(self, ns, name, value)
Create a new property tagged with a namespace and carried by a node.
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newNsPropEatName(self, ns, name, value)
Create a new property tagged with a namespace and carried by a node.
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newProp(self, name, value)
Create a new property carried by a node.
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newTextChild(self, ns, name, content)
Creation of a new child element, added at the end of @parent children list.
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noNsProp(self, name)
Search and get the value of an attribute associated to a node This does the entity substitution.
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Build a structure based Path for the given node
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nsProp(self, name, nameSpace)
Search and get the value of an attribute associated to a node This attribute has to be anchored in the namespace specified.
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prop(self, name)
Search and get the value of an attribute associated to a node This does the entity substitution.
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reconciliateNs(self, doc)
This function checks that all the namespaces declared within the given tree are properly declared.
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replaceNode(self, cur)
Unlink the old node from its current context, prune the new one at the same place.
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searchNs(self, doc, nameSpace)
Search a Ns registered under a given name space for a document.
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searchNsByHref(self, doc, href)
Search a Ns aliasing a given URI.
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setBase(self, uri)
Set (or reset) the base URI of a node, i.e.
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setContent(self, content)
Replace the content of a node.
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setContentLen(self, content, len)
Replace the content of a node.
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setLang(self, lang)
Set the language of a node, i.e.
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setListDoc(self, doc)
update all nodes in the list to point to the right document
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setName(self, name)
Set (or reset) the name of a node.
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setNs(self, ns)
Associate a namespace to a node, a posteriori.
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setNsProp(self, ns, name, value)
Set (or reset) an attribute carried by a node.
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setProp(self, name, value)
Set (or reset) an attribute carried by a node.
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setSpacePreserve(self, val)
Set (or reset) the space preserving behaviour of a node, i.e.
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setTreeDoc(self, doc)
update all nodes under the tree to point to the right document
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textConcat(self, content, len)
Concat the given string at the end of the existing node content
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textMerge(self, second)
Merge two text nodes into one
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Unlink a node from it's current context, the node is not freed
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unsetNsProp(self, ns, name)
Remove an attribute carried by a node.
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unsetProp(self, name)
Remove an attribute carried by a node.
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isID(self, doc, attr)
Determine whether an attribute is of type ID.
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isRef(self, doc, attr)
Determine whether an attribute is of type Ref.
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validNormalizeAttributeValue(self, doc, name, value)
Does the validation related extra step of the normalization of attribute values: If the declared value is not CDATA, then the XML processor must further process the normalized attribute value by discarding any leading and trailing space (#x20) characters, and by replacing sequences of space (#x20) characters by single space (#x20) character.
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Implement the XInclude substitution for the given subtree
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xincludeProcessTreeFlags(self, flags)
Implement the XInclude substitution for the given subtree
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schemaValidateOneElement(self, ctxt) source code
Converts a node to its number value
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Converts a node to its string value.
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xpathCmpNodes(self, node2)
Compare two nodes w.r.t document order
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Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type NodeSet and initialize it with the single Node @val
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Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type Value Tree (XSLT) and initialize it with the tree root @val
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xpathNextAncestor(self, ctxt)
Traversal function for the "ancestor" direction the ancestor axis contains the ancestors of the context node; the ancestors of the context node consist of the parent of context node and the parent's parent and so on; the nodes are ordered in reverse document order; thus the parent is the first node on the axis, and the parent's parent is the second node on the axis
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xpathNextAncestorOrSelf(self, ctxt)
Traversal function for the "ancestor-or-self" direction he ancestor-or-self axis contains the context node and ancestors of the context node in reverse document order; thus the context node is the first node on the axis, and the context node's parent the second; parent here is defined the same as with the parent axis.
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xpathNextAttribute(self, ctxt)
Traversal function for the "attribute" direction TODO: support DTD inherited default attributes
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xpathNextChild(self, ctxt)
Traversal function for the "child" direction The child axis contains the children of the context node in document order.
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xpathNextDescendant(self, ctxt)
Traversal function for the "descendant" direction the descendant axis contains the descendants of the context node in document order; a descendant is a child or a child of a child and so on.
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xpathNextDescendantOrSelf(self, ctxt)
Traversal function for the "descendant-or-self" direction the descendant-or-self axis contains the context node and the descendants of the context node in document order; thus the context node is the first node on the axis, and the first child of the context node is the second node on the axis
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xpathNextFollowing(self, ctxt)
Traversal function for the "following" direction The following axis contains all nodes in the same document as the context node that are after the context node in document order, excluding any descendants and excluding attribute nodes and namespace nodes; the nodes are ordered in document order
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xpathNextFollowingSibling(self, ctxt)
Traversal function for the "following-sibling" direction The following-sibling axis contains the following siblings of the context node in document order.
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xpathNextNamespace(self, ctxt)
Traversal function for the "namespace" direction the namespace axis contains the namespace nodes of the context node; the order of nodes on this axis is implementation-defined; the axis will be empty unless the context node is an element We keep the XML namespace node at the end of the list.
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xpathNextParent(self, ctxt)
Traversal function for the "parent" direction The parent axis contains the parent of the context node, if there is one.
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xpathNextPreceding(self, ctxt)
Traversal function for the "preceding" direction the preceding axis contains all nodes in the same document as the context node that are before the context node in document order, excluding any ancestors and excluding attribute nodes and namespace nodes; the nodes are ordered in reverse document order
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xpathNextPrecedingSibling(self, ctxt)
Traversal function for the "preceding-sibling" direction The preceding-sibling axis contains the preceding siblings of the context node in reverse document order; the first preceding sibling is first on the axis; the sibling preceding that node is the second on the axis and so on.
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xpathNextSelf(self, ctxt)
Traversal function for the "self" direction The self axis contains just the context node itself
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Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type range using a single nodes
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xpointerNewContext(self, doc, origin)
Create a new XPointer context
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xpointerNewLocationSetNodes(self, end)
Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type LocationSet and initialize it with the single range made of the two nodes @start and @end
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xpointerNewRange(self, startindex, end, endindex)
Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type range
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xpointerNewRangeNodes(self, end)
Create a new xmlXPathObjectPtr of type range using 2 nodes
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Inherited from xmlCore: __eq__, __getattr__, __hash__, __iter__, __ne__, __str__, c14nMemory, c14nSaveTo, free, get_children, get_content, get_doc, get_last, get_name, get_next, get_parent, get_prev, get_properties, get_type, removeNsDef, saveTo, serialize, walk_breadth_first, walk_depth_first, xpathEval, xpathEval2

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from xmlCore: children, content, doc, last, name, next, parent, prev, properties, type

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, _obj=None)

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Overrides: xmlCore.__init__

addChild(self, cur)

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Add a new node to @parent, at the end of the child (or property) list merging adjacent TEXT nodes (in which case @cur is freed) If the new node is ATTRIBUTE, it is added into properties instead of children. If there is an attribute with equal name, it is first destroyed.

addContent(self, content)

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Append the extra substring to the node content. NOTE: In contrast to xmlNodeSetContent(), @content is supposed to be raw text, so unescaped XML special chars are allowed, entity references are not supported.

addContentLen(self, content, len)

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Append the extra substring to the node content. NOTE: In contrast to xmlNodeSetContentLen(), @content is supposed to be raw text, so unescaped XML special chars are allowed, entity references are not supported.

addNextSibling(self, elem)

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Add a new node @elem as the next sibling of @cur If the new node was already inserted in a document it is first unlinked from its existing context. As a result of text merging @elem may be freed. If the new node is ATTRIBUTE, it is added into properties instead of children. If there is an attribute with equal name, it is first destroyed.

addPrevSibling(self, elem)

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Add a new node @elem as the previous sibling of @cur merging adjacent TEXT nodes (@elem may be freed) If the new node was already inserted in a document it is first unlinked from its existing context. If the new node is ATTRIBUTE, it is added into properties instead of children. If there is an attribute with equal name, it is first destroyed.


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Do a recursive copy of the node list. Use xmlDocCopyNodeList() if possible to ensure string interning.


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Free a node, this is a recursive behaviour, all the children are freed too. This doesn't unlink the child from the list, use xmlUnlinkNode() first.

getBase(self, doc)

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Searches for the BASE URL. The code should work on both XML
and HTML document even if base mechanisms are completely
different. It returns the base as defined in RFC 2396
sections 5.1.1. Base URI within Document Content and
5.1.2. Base URI from the Encapsulating Entity However it
does not return the document base (5.1.3), use
xmlDocumentGetBase() for this 


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Read the value of a node, this can be either the text carried directly by this node if it's a TEXT node or the aggregate string of the values carried by this node child's (TEXT and ENTITY_REF). Entity references are substituted.
Overrides: xmlCore.get_content


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Searches the language of a node, i.e. the values of the xml:lang attribute or the one carried by the nearest ancestor.


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Searches the space preserving behaviour of a node, i.e. the values of the xml:space attribute or the one carried by the nearest ancestor.

hasNsProp(self, name, nameSpace)

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Search for an attribute associated to a node This attribute has to be anchored in the namespace specified. This does the entity substitution. This function looks in DTD attribute declaration for #FIXED or default declaration values unless DTD use has been turned off. Note that a namespace of None indicates to use the default namespace.


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Get line number of @node. This requires activation of this option before invoking the parser by calling xmlLineNumbersDefault(1)

newChild(self, ns, name, content)

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Creation of a new child element, added at the end of @parent children list. @ns and @content parameters are optional (None). If @ns is None, the newly created element inherits the namespace of @parent. If @content is non None, a child list containing the TEXTs and ENTITY_REFs node will be created. NOTE: @content is supposed to be a piece of XML CDATA, so it allows entity references. XML special chars must be escaped first by using xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant(), or xmlNewTextChild() should be used.

newNs(self, href, prefix)

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Creation of a new Namespace. This function will refuse to create a namespace with a similar prefix than an existing one present on this node. We use href==None in the case of an element creation where the namespace was not defined.

newTextChild(self, ns, name, content)

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Creation of a new child element, added at the end of @parent children list. @ns and @content parameters are optional (None). If @ns is None, the newly created element inherits the namespace of @parent. If @content is non None, a child TEXT node will be created containing the string @content. NOTE: Use xmlNewChild() if @content will contain entities that need to be preserved. Use this function, xmlNewTextChild(), if you need to ensure that reserved XML chars that might appear in @content, such as the ampersand, greater-than or less-than signs, are automatically replaced by their XML escaped entity representations.

noNsProp(self, name)

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Search and get the value of an attribute associated to a node This does the entity substitution. This function looks in DTD attribute declaration for #FIXED or default declaration values unless DTD use has been turned off. This function is similar to xmlGetProp except it will accept only an attribute in no namespace.

nsProp(self, name, nameSpace)

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Search and get the value of an attribute associated to a node This attribute has to be anchored in the namespace specified. This does the entity substitution. This function looks in DTD attribute declaration for #FIXED or default declaration values unless DTD use has been turned off.

prop(self, name)

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Search and get the value of an attribute associated to a node This does the entity substitution. This function looks in DTD attribute declaration for #FIXED or default declaration values unless DTD use has been turned off. NOTE: this function acts independently of namespaces associated to the attribute. Use xmlGetNsProp() or xmlGetNoNsProp() for namespace aware processing.

reconciliateNs(self, doc)

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This function checks that all the namespaces declared within the given tree are properly declared. This is needed for example after Copy or Cut and then paste operations. The subtree may still hold pointers to namespace declarations outside the subtree or invalid/masked. As much as possible the function try to reuse the existing namespaces found in the new environment. If not possible the new namespaces are redeclared on @tree at the top of the given subtree.

replaceNode(self, cur)

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Unlink the old node from its current context, prune the new one at the same place. If @cur was already inserted in a document it is first unlinked from its existing context.

searchNs(self, doc, nameSpace)

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Search a Ns registered under a given name space for a document. recurse on the parents until it finds the defined namespace or return None otherwise. @nameSpace can be None, this is a search for the default namespace. We don't allow to cross entities boundaries. If you don't declare the namespace within those you will be in troubles !!! A warning is generated to cover this case.

searchNsByHref(self, doc, href)

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Search a Ns aliasing a given URI. Recurse on the parents until it finds the defined namespace or return None otherwise.

setBase(self, uri)

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Set (or reset) the base URI of a node, i.e. the value of the xml:base attribute.

setContent(self, content)

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Replace the content of a node. NOTE: @content is supposed to be a piece of XML CDATA, so it allows entity references, but XML special chars need to be escaped first by using xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant() resp. xmlEncodeSpecialChars().

setContentLen(self, content, len)

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Replace the content of a node. NOTE: @content is supposed to be a piece of XML CDATA, so it allows entity references, but XML special chars need to be escaped first by using xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant() resp. xmlEncodeSpecialChars().

setLang(self, lang)

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Set the language of a node, i.e. the values of the xml:lang attribute.

setNsProp(self, ns, name, value)

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Set (or reset) an attribute carried by a node. The ns structure must be in scope, this is not checked

setProp(self, name, value)

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Set (or reset) an attribute carried by a node. If @name has a prefix, then the corresponding namespace-binding will be used, if in scope; it is an error it there's no such ns-binding for the prefix in scope.

setSpacePreserve(self, val)

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Set (or reset) the space preserving behaviour of a node, i.e. the value of the xml:space attribute.

unsetProp(self, name)

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Remove an attribute carried by a node. This handles only attributes in no namespace.

isID(self, doc, attr)

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Determine whether an attribute is of type ID. In case we have DTD(s) then this is done if DTD loading has been requested. In the case of HTML documents parsed with the HTML parser, then ID detection is done systematically.

isRef(self, doc, attr)

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Determine whether an attribute is of type Ref. In case we have DTD(s) then this is simple, otherwise we use an heuristic: name Ref (upper or lowercase).