Module libxml2 :: Class xmlAttr
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Class xmlAttr

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xmlCore --+    
    xmlNode --+

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, _obj=None) source code
__repr__(self) source code
debugDumpAttr(self, output, depth)
Dumps debug information for the attribute
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debugDumpAttrList(self, output, depth)
Dumps debug information for the attribute list
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copyProp(self, target)
Do a copy of the attribute.
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copyPropList(self, target)
Do a copy of an attribute list.
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Free one attribute, all the content is freed too
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Free a property and all its siblings, all the children are freed too.
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Unlink and free one attribute, all the content is freed too Note this doesn't work for namespace definition attributes
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removeID(self, doc)
Remove the given attribute from the ID table maintained internally.
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removeRef(self, doc)
Remove the given attribute from the Ref table maintained internally.
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Inherited from xmlNode: addChild, addChildList, addContent, addContentLen, addNextSibling, addPrevSibling, addSibling, copyNode, copyNodeList, debugDumpNode, debugDumpNodeList, debugDumpOneNode, docCopyNode, docCopyNodeList, docSetRootElement, freeNode, freeNodeList, getBase, getContent, getLang, getSpacePreserve, hasNsProp, hasProp, isBlankNode, isID, isRef, isText, lastChild, lineNo, listGetRawString, listGetString, lsCountNode, lsOneNode, newChild, newNs, newNsProp, newNsPropEatName, newProp, newTextChild, noNsProp, nodePath, ns, nsDefs, nsProp, prop, reconciliateNs, replaceNode, schemaValidateOneElement, searchNs, searchNsByHref, setBase, setContent, setContentLen, setLang, setListDoc, setName, setNs, setNsProp, setProp, setSpacePreserve, setTreeDoc, shellPrintNode, textConcat, textMerge, unlinkNode, unsetNsProp, unsetProp, validNormalizeAttributeValue, xincludeProcessTree, xincludeProcessTreeFlags, xpathCastNodeToNumber, xpathCastNodeToString, xpathCmpNodes, xpathNewNodeSet, xpathNewValueTree, xpathNextAncestor, xpathNextAncestorOrSelf, xpathNextAttribute, xpathNextChild, xpathNextDescendant, xpathNextDescendantOrSelf, xpathNextFollowing, xpathNextFollowingSibling, xpathNextNamespace, xpathNextParent, xpathNextPreceding, xpathNextPrecedingSibling, xpathNextSelf, xpointerNewCollapsedRange, xpointerNewContext, xpointerNewLocationSetNodes, xpointerNewRange, xpointerNewRangeNodes

Inherited from xmlCore: __eq__, __getattr__, __hash__, __iter__, __ne__, __str__, c14nMemory, c14nSaveTo, free, get_children, get_content, get_doc, get_last, get_name, get_next, get_parent, get_prev, get_properties, get_type, removeNsDef, saveTo, serialize, walk_breadth_first, walk_depth_first, xpathEval, xpathEval2

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from xmlCore: children, content, doc, last, name, next, parent, prev, properties, type

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, _obj=None)

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Overrides: xmlNode.__init__

(Representation operator)

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Overrides: xmlNode.__repr__

copyProp(self, target)

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Do a copy of the attribute.
Overrides: xmlNode.copyProp

copyPropList(self, target)

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Do a copy of an attribute list.
Overrides: xmlNode.copyPropList