Module libxml2 :: Class SAXCallback
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class SAXCallback

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Base class for SAX handlers

Instance Methods [hide private]
called at the start of the document
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called at the end of the document
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startElement(self, tag, attrs)
called at the start of every element, tag is the name of the element, attrs is a dictionary of the element's attributes
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endElement(self, tag)
called at the start of every element, tag is the name of the element
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characters(self, data)
called when character data have been read, data is the string containing the data, multiple consecutive characters() callback are possible.
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cdataBlock(self, data)
called when CDATA section have been read, data is the string containing the data, multiple consecutive cdataBlock() callback are possible.
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reference(self, name)
called when an entity reference has been found
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ignorableWhitespace(self, data)
called when potentially ignorable white spaces have been found
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processingInstruction(self, target, data)
called when a PI has been found, target contains the PI name and data is the associated data in the PI
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comment(self, content)
called when a comment has been found, content contains the comment
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externalSubset(self, name, externalID, systemID)
called when a DOCTYPE declaration has been found, name is the DTD name and externalID, systemID are the DTD public and system identifier for that DTd if available
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internalSubset(self, name, externalID, systemID)
called when a DOCTYPE declaration has been found, name is the DTD name and externalID, systemID are the DTD public and system identifier for that DTD if available
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notationDecl(self, name, externalID, systemID)
called when an NOTATION declaration has been found, name is the notation name and externalID, systemID are the notation public and system identifier for that notation if available
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attributeDecl(self, elem, name, type, defi, defaultValue, nameList)
called when an ATTRIBUTE definition has been found
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elementDecl(self, name, type, content)
called when an ELEMENT definition has been found
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entityDecl(self, name, publicId, systemID, notationName)
called when an unparsed ENTITY declaration has been found, name is the entity name and publicId,, systemID are the entity public and system identifier for that entity if available, and notationName indicate the associated NOTATION
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warning(self, msg) source code
error(self, msg) source code
fatalError(self, msg) source code