Package MySQLdb :: Module cursors :: Class CursorStoreResultMixIn
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Class CursorStoreResultMixIn

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object --+
Known Subclasses:
Cursor, DictCursor

This is a MixIn class which causes the entire result set to be stored on the client side, i.e. it uses mysql_store_result(). If the result set can be very large, consider adding a LIMIT clause to your query, or using CursorUseResultMixIn instead.

Instance Methods [hide private]
_get_result(self) source code
_query(self, q) source code
_post_get_result(self) source code
Fetches a single row from the cursor.
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fetchmany(self, size=None)
Fetch up to size rows from the cursor.
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Fetchs all available rows from the cursor.
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scroll(self, value, mode='relative')
Scroll the cursor in the result set to a new position according to mode.
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__iter__(self) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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Fetches a single row from the cursor. None indicates that no more rows are available.

fetchmany(self, size=None)

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Fetch up to size rows from the cursor. Result set may be smaller than size. If size is not defined, cursor.arraysize is used.

scroll(self, value, mode='relative')

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Scroll the cursor in the result set to a new position according to mode.

If mode is 'relative' (default), value is taken as offset to the current position in the result set, if set to 'absolute', value states an absolute target position.