Package MySQLdb :: Module connections
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Source Code for Module MySQLdb.connections

  1  """ 
  3  This module implements connections for MySQLdb. Presently there is 
  4  only one class: Connection. Others are unlikely. However, you might 
  5  want to make your own subclasses. In most cases, you will probably 
  6  override Connection.default_cursor with a non-standard Cursor class. 
  8  """ 
  9  import cursors 
 10  from _mysql_exceptions import Warning, Error, InterfaceError, DataError, \ 
 11       DatabaseError, OperationalError, IntegrityError, InternalError, \ 
 12       NotSupportedError, ProgrammingError 
 13  import types, _mysql 
16 -def defaulterrorhandler(connection, cursor, errorclass, errorvalue):
17 """ 18 19 If cursor is not None, (errorclass, errorvalue) is appended to 20 cursor.messages; otherwise it is appended to 21 connection.messages. Then errorclass is raised with errorvalue as 22 the value. 23 24 You can override this with your own error handler by assigning it 25 to the instance. 26 27 """ 28 error = errorclass, errorvalue 29 if cursor: 30 cursor.messages.append(error) 31 else: 32 connection.messages.append(error) 33 del cursor 34 del connection 35 raise errorclass, errorvalue
36 37
38 -class Connection(_mysql.connection):
39 40 """MySQL Database Connection Object""" 41 42 default_cursor = cursors.Cursor 43
44 - def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
45 """ 46 47 Create a connection to the database. It is strongly recommended 48 that you only use keyword parameters. Consult the MySQL C API 49 documentation for more information. 50 51 host 52 string, host to connect 53 54 user 55 string, user to connect as 56 57 passwd 58 string, password to use 59 60 db 61 string, database to use 62 63 port 64 integer, TCP/IP port to connect to 65 66 unix_socket 67 string, location of unix_socket to use 68 69 conv 70 conversion dictionary, see MySQLdb.converters 71 72 connect_timeout 73 number of seconds to wait before the connection attempt 74 fails. 75 76 compress 77 if set, compression is enabled 78 79 named_pipe 80 if set, a named pipe is used to connect (Windows only) 81 82 init_command 83 command which is run once the connection is created 84 85 read_default_file 86 file from which default client values are read 87 88 read_default_group 89 configuration group to use from the default file 90 91 cursorclass 92 class object, used to create cursors (keyword only) 93 94 use_unicode 95 If True, text-like columns are returned as unicode objects 96 using the connection's character set. Otherwise, text-like 97 columns are returned as strings. columns are returned as 98 normal strings. Unicode objects will always be encoded to 99 the connection's character set regardless of this setting. 100 101 charset 102 If supplied, the connection character set will be changed 103 to this character set (MySQL-4.1 and newer). This implies 104 use_unicode=True. 105 106 sql_mode 107 If supplied, the session SQL mode will be changed to this 108 setting (MySQL-4.1 and newer). For more details and legal 109 values, see the MySQL documentation. 110 111 client_flag 112 integer, flags to use or 0 113 (see MySQL docs or constants/ 114 115 ssl 116 dictionary or mapping, contains SSL connection parameters; 117 see the MySQL documentation for more details 118 (mysql_ssl_set()). If this is set, and the client does not 119 support SSL, NotSupportedError will be raised. 120 121 local_infile 122 integer, non-zero enables LOAD LOCAL INFILE; zero disables 123 124 There are a number of undocumented, non-standard methods. See the 125 documentation for the MySQL C API for some hints on what they do. 126 127 """ 128 from constants import CLIENT, FIELD_TYPE 129 from converters import conversions 130 from weakref import proxy, WeakValueDictionary 131 132 import types 133 134 kwargs2 = kwargs.copy() 135 136 if kwargs.has_key('conv'): 137 conv = kwargs['conv'] 138 else: 139 conv = conversions 140 141 conv2 = {} 142 for k, v in conv.items(): 143 if isinstance(k, int): 144 if isinstance(v, list): 145 conv2[k] = v[:] 146 else: 147 conv2[k] = v 148 kwargs2['conv'] = conv2 149 150 self.cursorclass = kwargs2.pop('cursorclass', self.default_cursor) 151 charset = kwargs2.pop('charset', '') 152 153 if charset: 154 use_unicode = True 155 else: 156 use_unicode = False 157 158 use_unicode = kwargs2.pop('use_unicode', use_unicode) 159 sql_mode = kwargs2.pop('sql_mode', '') 160 161 client_flag = kwargs.get('client_flag', 0) 162 client_version = tuple([ int(n) for n in _mysql.get_client_info().split('.')[:2] ]) 163 if client_version >= (4, 1): 164 client_flag |= CLIENT.MULTI_STATEMENTS 165 if client_version >= (5, 0): 166 client_flag |= CLIENT.MULTI_RESULTS 167 168 kwargs2['client_flag'] = client_flag 169 170 super(Connection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs2) 171 172 self.encoders = dict([ (k, v) for k, v in conv.items() 173 if type(k) is not int ]) 174 175 self._server_version = tuple([ int(n) for n in self.get_server_info().split('.')[:2] ]) 176 177 db = proxy(self) 178 def _get_string_literal(): 179 def string_literal(obj, dummy=None): 180 return db.string_literal(obj)
181 return string_literal
182 183 def _get_unicode_literal(): 184 def unicode_literal(u, dummy=None): 185 return db.literal(u.encode(unicode_literal.charset)) 186 return unicode_literal 187 188 def _get_string_decoder(): 189 def string_decoder(s): 190 return s.decode(string_decoder.charset) 191 return string_decoder 192 193 string_literal = _get_string_literal() 194 self.unicode_literal = unicode_literal = _get_unicode_literal() 195 self.string_decoder = string_decoder = _get_string_decoder() 196 if not charset: 197 charset = self.character_set_name() 198 self.set_character_set(charset) 199 200 if sql_mode: 201 self.set_sql_mode(sql_mode) 202 203 if use_unicode: 204 self.converter[FIELD_TYPE.STRING].append((None, string_decoder)) 205 self.converter[FIELD_TYPE.VAR_STRING].append((None, string_decoder)) 206 self.converter[FIELD_TYPE.VARCHAR].append((None, string_decoder)) 207 self.converter[FIELD_TYPE.BLOB].append((None, string_decoder)) 208 209 self.encoders[types.StringType] = string_literal 210 self.encoders[types.UnicodeType] = unicode_literal 211 self._transactional = self.server_capabilities & CLIENT.TRANSACTIONS 212 if self._transactional: 213 # PEP-249 requires autocommit to be initially off 214 self.autocommit(False) 215 self.messages = [] 216
217 - def cursor(self, cursorclass=None):
218 """ 219 220 Create a cursor on which queries may be performed. The 221 optional cursorclass parameter is used to create the 222 Cursor. By default, self.cursorclass=cursors.Cursor is 223 used. 224 225 """ 226 return (cursorclass or self.cursorclass)(self)
228 - def __enter__(self): return self.cursor()
230 - def __exit__(self, exc, value, tb):
231 if exc: 232 self.rollback() 233 else: 234 self.commit()
236 - def literal(self, o):
237 """ 238 239 If o is a single object, returns an SQL literal as a string. 240 If o is a non-string sequence, the items of the sequence are 241 converted and returned as a sequence. 242 243 Non-standard. For internal use; do not use this in your 244 applications. 245 246 """ 247 return self.escape(o, self.encoders)
249 - def begin(self):
250 """Explicitly begin a connection. Non-standard. 251 DEPRECATED: Will be removed in 1.3. 252 Use an SQL BEGIN statement instead.""" 253 from warnings import warn 254 warn("begin() is non-standard and will be removed in 1.3", 255 DeprecationWarning, 2) 256 self.query("BEGIN")
257 258 if not hasattr(_mysql.connection, 'warning_count'): 259
260 - def warning_count(self):
261 """Return the number of warnings generated from the 262 last query. This is derived from the info() method.""" 263 from string import atoi 264 info = 265 if info: 266 return atoi(info.split()[-1]) 267 else: 268 return 0
270 - def set_character_set(self, charset):
271 """Set the connection character set to charset. The character 272 set can only be changed in MySQL-4.1 and newer. If you try 273 to change the character set from the current value in an 274 older version, NotSupportedError will be raised.""" 275 if self.character_set_name() != charset: 276 try: 277 super(Connection, self).set_character_set(charset) 278 except AttributeError: 279 if self._server_version < (4, 1): 280 raise NotSupportedError, "server is too old to set charset" 281 self.query('SET NAMES %s' % charset) 282 self.store_result() 283 self.string_decoder.charset = charset 284 self.unicode_literal.charset = charset
286 - def set_sql_mode(self, sql_mode):
287 """Set the connection sql_mode. See MySQL documentation for 288 legal values.""" 289 if self._server_version < (4, 1): 290 raise NotSupportedError, "server is too old to set sql_mode" 291 self.query("SET SESSION sql_mode='%s'" % sql_mode) 292 self.store_result()
294 - def show_warnings(self):
295 """Return detailed information about warnings as a 296 sequence of tuples of (Level, Code, Message). This 297 is only supported in MySQL-4.1 and up. If your server 298 is an earlier version, an empty sequence is returned.""" 299 if self._server_version < (4,1): return () 300 self.query("SHOW WARNINGS") 301 r = self.store_result() 302 warnings = r.fetch_row(0) 303 return warnings
304 305 Warning = Warning 306 Error = Error 307 InterfaceError = InterfaceError 308 DatabaseError = DatabaseError 309 DataError = DataError 310 OperationalError = OperationalError 311 IntegrityError = IntegrityError 312 InternalError = InternalError 313 ProgrammingError = ProgrammingError 314 NotSupportedError = NotSupportedError 315 316 errorhandler = defaulterrorhandler 317